An Update and a Question

on Friday, January 16, 2015
    I figured I'd write a short little post to update my readers about what is going on in my life.
    First, I am having some problems with my legs.  I've been in pain off and on for the past 6 years due to some old track or gymnastics injury.  Every time I try to run, the pain comes back.  I've had a hard time sleeping for a while, and I've had a hard time focusing on my writing.  Usually running helps clear my head so I am able to do things, like write and sleep, however, the pain has gotten worse over the past few months.  I finally went to the doctor for it, and a physical therapist, and was diagnosed with two types of tendonitis.  In addition to that, x rays revealed benign lesions in both my fibulas.  Around those lesions, my body built up 2-3 times the amount of bone I should have to prevent a break.  Currently, I'm not allowed to use my legs for anything other than walking.  I go back to the physical therapist on Monday, and hopefully I'll have another update then.
    In the meantime, I've got a cuddle bug to keep me company.

    Now, for the point of the post-
    Since I've got all this free time, I plan on working on my writing.  However, I can't decide what to work on.  
    I'm halfway done with Rose, but I'm starting to lose steam.  I don't know if there's enough plot to the story to keep it going.  Even though I've planned out so much for that trilogy, I may need to tuck it away.  I could keep going and finish it, but I don't think I'd continue the trilogy after that.  At least, not until I have more time to figure out what it's missing.
    I've made a ton of progress in mapping out Powerful.  It has a lot more action and excitement than Rose, and it also has a lot more magic.  It's a way more intriguing story line, and I think it has more potential.
    However, cutting ties with Rose would break my heart.  I love those characters and I love the story.  However, I've had to put many story ideas that I love on hold.  It's a struggle for me to decide.
    So I put it to you, my readers.  Which story do you think I should work on?  Do I finish Rose, or do I continue with Powerful?


Anonymous said...

Powerful sounds exciting, but the disciplined thing to do would be to finish Rose. Try writing the ending and the major plot points first and then connect them. You can do it! You've already come so far and worked so hard. Don't give up now!

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