Camp NaNoWriMo 2016

on Thursday, June 30, 2016
    Tomorrow is July 1st! That means that it's time to start Camp NaNoWriMo! Whoo-hoo!

    Here's the deal- I work 9 days in July, and I've set myself a goal of 25,000 words. I thought that was fairly realistic since I've done it before for regular NaNo in November. That averages out to 2,777 ish words on days that I work, if I only write then. If I write everyday, then it's 806 words a day. Not bad at all.
    Wednesday, I started a scene and I got 473 words written in like an hour. Add that to my existing word count and I'm starting at 14,089 words. Plus 25,000 is 39,089 words. That's my end goal.
    I'll be updating the word count on the sidebar throughout the month as well as posting weekly updates on my blog and hourly (ish) updates on Twitter and Facebook
    Everyone in my cabin has different goals for the month, ranging from 6,000 words for the month up to 50,000! Most of us haven't ever done this before. Let's see if we can do it!
P.S. I have a special guest coming on Monday! Don't miss it!

Camp NaNoWriMo

on Tuesday, June 28, 2016
    A lot of things have been going on recently. First off, check out my word counts on the sidebar! I've done a lot of work for A Fairy's Tale recently. I'm hoping to get back to editing Powerful soon, but I've got a few short stories that I'm editing right now so  it's been put on hold temporarily. 
    Second, I've been fighting off a cold for over a week now and it still isn't any better. Basically what this means is that I'm even more exhausted than normal, and my head hurts worse. I have less than no focus on anything right now. Yesterday I couldn't even walk because my head hurt so bad. Work tomorrow should be fun.
    We're house sitting for my in laws, which means we're also dog sitting. We dog sat for them last year too, and the dogs got along great by the end, but it's been a whole year and they just kind of pace around each other uncomfortably. It's entertaining.
    Anyway, I'm trying really hard not to make excuses about why I've been less than productive, because I've been fairly productive recently. I worked full time last week and got a lot of writing done, though not a lot of sleep. Again, the part to focus on is that I am still writing.
    The good news is that I'm preparing for Camp NaNoWriMo starting in July. I've set a word goal of 25,000 words for the month for the first draft of A Fairy's Tale. I'll post weekly updates here starting on Thursday (technically not July, but I work on Friday) with my starting word count, and on Friday when I work, I'm gonna start writing! 

    This is my first year doing Camp NaNo, and I'm really excited. I joined a cabin with a handful of my writing friends, and we're all really excited to get to work! I can't wait until Friday!

Crazy Week!

on Monday, June 20, 2016
    So I just realized that I don't have blog posts set up for this week, and I'm going to be at work every day and I won't get a chance to blog! 

    I'm sorry! I will be back with regularly scheduled (or thrown together at the last minute) blog posts next week. The good news is that I will get a ton of writing done this week! I'll update you with how many words I write so you know that I'm being productive.

Minor Schedule Changes

on Thursday, June 16, 2016
    So, I've spent two weeks going through my weekly schedule and I've discovered a few things-

  • I'm far more productive when I'm working.
  • I can get A LOT of writing done in my downtime at work.
  • Apparently you can remotely use Scrivener on a device that doesn't have it?!?! (Going to try it next week)
  • I'm lazy when I'm not working.
  • I actually really like my job.

Blog World Tour

on Monday, June 13, 2016
    I've got some exciting news! *trumpets sound* Starting next month, I'm participating in a series of author interviews that will run through the next 12 months!
    Here's how it works- Every month I have a new guest on my blog, and every month I will appear as a guest on someone else's blog. We have a huge group that is all participating, and it's divided up by genre. So everyone I'm interviewing writes fantasy.

    Some of the authors I know, others I don't. I'm excited to see what happens! The interviews will be posted on my blog on the first Monday of every month, starting July 4th. See you then!

Weekly Summary

on Thursday, June 9, 2016
    It's been a week since I posted my new schedule, so lets see how I did! Bonus- I got my pillow chair this week! It's super comfortable and it really helps with my writing!

  The plan: Work.
  The reality: I worked! Check!

  The plan: There was no plan for Saturday because I'm lazy!
  The reality: I was lazy! Check!

Heart of the Winterland

on Monday, June 6, 2016
    Some of you may remember my friend, Kristen Kooistra, from my "A Day in the Life of..." series. She is a mother of three crazy kids, and writes whenever they give her a moment to spare. After some time, those spare moments started to add up and pretty soon she had a book written and edited, and now it's going to be published!

    Her debut novel is called Heart of the Winterland. The story follows five different characters, Princess Calisandra, her companion Voice, the sorceress Amee, Captain Kota, and the fugitive Angel. Here's the preview-


on Thursday, June 2, 2016
    One of my favorite things to do is schedule my days. I'm not super great at sticking to my schedule, but I enjoy thinking that I'm organized.
    So here's the deal- it finally happened! I got hired! Wahoo! Now I get to schedule my life again, and maybe I can get some real work done! I work two days a week, Wednesday and Friday, and if they need me on other days I will work that into my schedule.
    The other fun thing I get to schedule is writing A Fairy's Tale in addition to editing Powerful, critting on Scribophile, and blogging. It's a lot to do, but I'm excited for the work.