French to English translations:
- À la/au = at the
- À Vendredi = Until Friday
- Allô = Hello
- Allons-y = let’s go
- Ans = years old
- Arrête = stop
- Assieds-toi = sit down
- Au revoir = goodbye
- Auberge de la Mine = Inn of the Wealthy
- Auberge de la Peintres = Inn of the Painters
- Aussi = also
- Aux Jardins de la Mansonière = at The Gardens of the Mansion
- Beau = boyfriend
- Beaucoup = a lot
- Bien sûr = of course
- Bienvenue = welcome
- Bonjour = hello
- Boutique = shop
- Brut = gross
- C'est = this is
- C'est bien? = is that okay?
- C'est bien = that's okay
- C’est le temps que tu a perdu pour ta Rose qui fait ta Rose si importante = It is the time you have wasted for your Rose that makes your Rose so important.
- Ça va = well
- Carrillons de vent = wind chimes
- Ce = this
- Ces = these
- Chaise = chair
- Chère = dear
- Chocolat chaud = hot chocolate
- Citronnade = lemonade
- Comme = like
- Comment ça va = how are you
- Coupe de Monde de Rugby League = Rugby League World Cup
- Cuisine = kitchen
- De rien = you’re welcome, it was nothing
- Demain = tomorrow
- Des = some (of)
- Déchets = garbage
- Déjeuner = lunch
- Deux = two
- Deuxième Guerre Mondiale = Second World War
- Disques = disks, records
- Domfront perry = a special pear drink made only in that region
- Doux = sweet
- École = school
- Encore = again
- Et = and
- Étranger = stanger
- Excusez-moi = excuse me
- Fête = party
- Fils = son
- Fraises = strawberries
- Fromagerie = cheese shop
- Gâteau = cake
- Gentil = pleasant, kind
- Grenade = pomegranate
- Guillaume le Conquérant = William the conqueror
- Heure = hour
- Ho = Hey
- Homme(s) = guy(s)
- Ici = Here
- Il est très beau = he’s very handsome
- Il y a = ago
- Incroyable = incredible, unbelievable
- Je m'appelle = my name is
- Je ne l’ai pas = I did not
- Je ne sais pas = I don't know
- Je pense que ça c’est bien = I think that’s good.
- Je promis = I promise
- Je sais = I know
- Je suis désolée = I am sorry
- Joie de vivre= joy to live
- Joyaux = jewels
- Jus = juice
- L’aide = the help
- La/Le/Les = the
- La Robe Rose = The Pink Dress
- La Tanière du Dragon = the Dragon’s Lair
- Le Collier de la Reine = The Queen’s Necklace
- Le jour J = D-day
- Le marché = farmer's market
- Les Mystères du Nautilus = the Mystery of the Nautilus, a walk-through attraction based on 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
- Limonade = lemon water
- Lycée = high school
- Ma/Mon = my
- Magasin de bijoux = jewelry store
- Mais = but
- Maladroit = awkward
- Malchance = bad luck
- Merci = thank you
- Mercredi = Wednesday
- Mère = mother
- Merveilleux = marvelous, heavenly
- Midi = noon
- Militaires = military
- Mineurs = miners
- Mois = months
- Mon = my
- Monsieur = sir
- Montre = watch
- Musée Mémorial de la Battaille de Normandy = Battle of Normandy Memorial Museum
- Nains = dwarves, midgets
- Ne t’inquiète pas = don’t worry
- Ne vous inquiètez pas = don’t worry
- Nos = our
- Nouveau = new
- Où = where
- Ouai = yeah
- Oui = Yes
- Pain au chocolat = chocolate drizzled sweet bread
- Paranoïde = paranoid
- Pâtisserie = pastry shop
- Pâtissier/pâtissière = pastry chef
- Père = father
- Portable = cell phone
- Pour = for
- Qu’est-ce que c’est? = what is this/that?
- Qu’est-ce qui se passe? = what happened?
- Qui est-ce? = who is that?
- Quinze minutes = fifteen minutes
- Roserie = rose garden
- Salon de thé = tea room
- Salut = hi
- S’il vous plaît = please
- Septembre = September
- Si tu veux = if you want
- Siècle = century
- Sous les Étoiles = Under the Stars
- Stupide(s) = stupid
- Sur un tourne-disque = on a record player
- Ta/ton = your
- Tais-toi = be quiet
- Tant pis = whatever, oh well
- Tante = aunt
- Tayez- vous = be quiet
- Toujours = always
- Toussaint = All Saints Day
- Tout le monde = everyone
- Très = very
- Un/une = a
- Univers = universe
- Viens = come
- Vite = quick
- Vraiment = really
- Zut = darn it
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