As a writer, you'd think getting new ideas would be the greatest thing ever. The problem with getting ideas is that you have to write down everything you can think of for the story as soon as possible, otherwise you'll forget. And if you're like me and you forget an idea, it will probably haunt you until you die. I've been busy and preoccupied, hence why I haven't been able to address the double perspective prompt yet.
The other problem with getting a new idea, is that I haven't finished my old ideas yet. I still have two and a half books left to write from my old idea, but now I want to get this new idea written too. Oh, the chaos in my brain right now, but that's not what this blog post is about.
In my little bit of time on Scribophile, I have read and critiqued the work of an author whose writing I have fallen in love with. The author's name is H. L. Burke. She has 6 books published on Amazon, and her 7th one will be released September 19th. I helped critique one of her works, Beggar Magic, which will be available by the beginning of 2015. Her writing is very clean and easily read. It's meant for anyone like 10 and up. Her ideas are brilliant, and I can't wait to read more of her work. The series I'm dying to read is called The Dragon and the Scholar, and the first book is Dragon's Curse.