April Camp NaNo Week 3

on Monday, April 24, 2017

    Camp NaNoWriMo has just 7 days left and things are getting crazy! This past week hasn't been the most productive of my life, but I encountered a lot of issues (as most people do) with reality. Here's how it went-

Days 15 & 16- Weekend. No writing done.
Day 17- Finished chapter 9. 2,256 words edited. 27,041 words total.
Day 18- Edited chapter 10. 3,957 words edited. 30,998 words total.
Day 19- Started chapter 11, but I was having trouble with morning sickness. Only 524 words edited. 31,522 words total. 
Day 20- More trouble with morning sickness. Still working on chapter 11. 813 words edited. 32,335 words total.
Day 21- This is when reality REALLY got in the way of my writing. Husband of Mine came home from work early to prepare for his business trip out of the country. I spent the day preparing to move into my parents' house for a few days. Didn't get any writing done, sadly. 

    I went into Camp NaNoWriMo knowing that reality would get in the way of my writing, and that's why I worked so hard during the first week to get ahead of schedule. This upcoming week will be very odd, too since most of my week will be spent on a road trip and in Utah to celebrate my sister's graduation. I've got seven days left to get as much work done as possible. Let's see what happens.


Heather Hayden said...

You're doing amazing, Allie! Life does get in the way at times, but you really kicked your goal's butt. :)

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