Editing Update

on Tuesday, January 10, 2017
    Things have been crazy for me over the past week. We relocated back to our own place after the new year, and we're still moving back in. My cousin is in town and I'm trying to spend time with her. Astrid has been especially needy since my sisters left to go back to school. Oh, and since we're back in our own place, we have exceptionally slow internet which makes it hard to do most of my work since all my notes for edits are online.
    And now I'm making excuses because unfortunately, I'm behind on my edits. 

    I'm supposed to be on chapter 18 today, but instead I'm on chapter 15. I haven't been editing everyday like I planned to. Instead, I've been doing a few chapters a day every few days. Which is fine, because I wasn't planning on actually editing every single day. It was just a schedule so I'd have an end date for my goal.

    Each chapter is different and needs a different amount of work. Some require heavy changes, but some only require a few minor rewrites. That means that some days I can get a few chapters done, while other days it takes all my concentration to make notes for one chapter. The biggest part is that I only have 21 chapters left.
    And because I'm working on multiple projects right now, when I get ahead of schedule with my edits, I'll take one of the extra days I've earned up to work on my short story, or even do laundry and other household chores that I need to keep up on.
    The good news is that I'm 1,400 words into my short story. Now, that may not seem like a lot, but it's only going to be 7,000 words max. Plus, 1,400 words means that I finally sorted where I want the story to start! That was the hardest part for me when working on the story so far. I rewrote the beginning probably 6 or 7 times! But now the beginning is solid and I know where the story is going to end, too. Now I just have to fill in the middle!
    Now, for the rest of this week, I've got to focus and get work done quickly so I can not only catch up, but also get ahead of schedule because this weekend is going to be busy!
    On Friday, we're going to Disneyland because we're going to be running in the Star Wars 5k! When I say running, I mean walking and enjoying the sights. There's going to be character photo spots, too, so prepare to be bombarded with awesome pictures soon!
    Also, be prepared for my big announcement! It's gonna be awesome!


Heather Hayden said...

You're doing awesome, Allie! Keep up the good work. :)

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